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21 Min. Total Body
Total Body
I think you'll enjoy this Total Body workout! Grab a set of dumbbells and let's do this step-by-step with each other. Modifications are shown, as well.
Up Next in Total Body
20 Min. Total Body Workout
This is one of my favorite Total Body Workouts so far! Grab your DE Total Body Band and Tushy Toner (modifications are shown without) and let's have some fun together. Enjoy!
20 Min. TB Body Weight
The beauty of this one is that you get a heck of a workout using just your body weight! You'll be happy you pressed play. Let's have some fun!
19 Min. TB Shredder
This workout is just what you need for a Total Body Shred with limited time! I'm using one of our DE Total Body Bands, but modifications are shown without. Let's have some fun!